Monday, January 21, 2008

Never ending Bugs list and Setup Issues

Never ending Bugs list and Setup Issues !Here is the Scene where a junior consultant who is new to Release 12 is having a conversation with the senior Consultant with respect to the tuffness in doing setups...JC = Hello SirSC = Hi JC !JC = Sir, i have been recently assigned the task of carrying out setups in REL 12.SC = Is it, great news ! I am sure you will be learning more.. !JC = Certainly sir, but i am facing lot of issues while carrying out setps... !SC = Is it , what went wrong?JC = I am not sure, i have been following userguides and manuals but still ending up introuble....SC = Ok, tell me the problems which you are facing in your setups let me c , if i can helpJC = Yes Sir, initial problem which i am facing was i was unable to Choose my BusinessGroup while creating ledgers using Accounting Setup Manager.SC = That will be Bug No. 5971509JC = In the Accounting Setup Manager, there is no LOV button available for selecting the Ledgers, we have to do manual query with all permutations and combinations if we forgot the name of the Ledger. I dont know the easy way out..SC = ohh that one, it will be Bug No. 5986471JC = While performing the setups in Accounting Setup Manager, i came to the last step for pressing the complete button, whereas the complete button was not available !SC = that will be Bug No. 6080622JC = When i tried creating Bank Accounts, i cannot see my Legal entity name in the Bank Account owner field, i know what went wrong.SC = This is normal, refer Note:415529.1JC = In AR, i am unable to make setup for Receivable Activities, i get message to define Party tax profile, but not mentioned how to do the same any where.SC = This is stated in Note:419019.1, you can get the steps from thatJC = In Cash Management, i am getting error message "no data Found" frequently, what could be the reason for it.SC = Reason could be Note:419500.1JC = And in ASM i was unable to create Operating unitsSC = oh that one can be solved by Note:428828.1JC = And while creating Legal Entity i was unable to select INDIA, why is that, india and many other countries are not at all appearing in the list of valuesSC = It is because of Note:438089.1JC = Sir what is all these numbers which you are gaving me..... ?SC = These are the reference numbers for Bugs and Setup issues which are not taken care by the technical experts while finalizing the product.JC = What am i supposed to do with these Numbers sir ?SC = You have to get access to metalink website, where oracle gives support to all customers, in that site, you can search using these numbers to view the detailed documentation.JC = How can i get access to metalink, since i am not a customer?SC = Dont worry, you can ask your client to create one for you, or you can get the CSI or Customer Support Identification number from your client and create an ID on your own.JC = Thank u very much sir !SC = Dont thank me, what ever errors you have faced so far is not becoz of you, it is becoz of oracle only, in future when ever you get an error use metalink as the first resource for solving your problem.... Thank OracleJC = Sir, you are being diplomatic... how can i thank oracle , they are the one who created these errors in first place... and later they are making up for it in the support division.SC = In a way it is true !! I cannot comment more on it !! (even though this is a blog !)JC = Sir i will be having more doubts in coming days to come, will be getting in touch with you often .. !SC = You are always welcome.... Check one thing, Oracle also makes up for all these errors and bugs by providing Roll up patches, there are many versions for it, i heard that recently they released Rollup patch 4 for rel 12, ask your DBA to apply that patch in your instance , which will reduce the technical errors !JC = Will do that sir !SC = Since its a new system , it will take time to stablize, u know some thing, oracle always tests thier products with the customers only.... !JC = I can see that now !SC = OK ByeJC = Thanks for your time sir

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